Post of the Year Nominees


AIG Bonus Recipient
Feb 15, 2006
I will get together a prize for the winner.

Voters will be me,steak,vd,nes,teddy,skinny larry,funk,pbr,world number one,and billsfan.

Post you favorite.

:grandmais If I win...which is highly possible. I will donate the prize to them nuns that were eating in that video.

Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008

Apr 10, 2007
If I picked one..although originally not meant as entertainment,,the punk "Punz" with his "A Cry For Help"..or bookie will kill me thread..

If you like fact not fiction..dont forget my..."purchased a stripper`s panties"..."how to smell a co-worker`s vagina".."I smelled 3 boxes at once"and that other one I had where I saw the shit=pee stains in Debbies drawersd1g1t

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
i nominate furious drew i dont know how to post it proper but here it is directed at roadreeler when he told a cooking a turkey joke that was not very rroomish

Roadreeler, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I nominate TotalRecall and his "the Elite are going to blow up Saturn" thread.

With the input of a special group of scientists working round the clock for the last 50 years, they are already planning to exit stage left- right off this planet and up to Titan, one of Saturns moons. Trouble is, its still cold and covered with ice.

However they are going to remedy that situation, in the most extreme way imaginable.

They are going to attempt to ignite the gas giant and turn it into a second star.

Theve sent 2 sattelites up there. The 1st was called Galileo. It impacted Jupiter and caused a spot 7,900 miles in diameter, roughly the size of the earth.
Did I mention that it was filled with 37 pounds of plutonium?
So have suggested that they were trying to ignite Jupiter. I dont believe it. They were only trying to see if the plutonium would ignite from the tremendous pressure as it fell deeper and deeper.into the planets atmosphere. Well, not very deep as it turns out. Since it was directed to enter by way of the equator which is the furthest distance form the core it was not able to go very deep.

Mission accomplished. No astronomers will talk about this. They have advanced the preposterous notion that this new massive spot, which is as easily visible as the great RED SPOT on jupiter is, is in fact the effect of the shadow of on of Saturns moons!

Talk about bullshit!

Anyway, now for the big story.
The second sattelite, named CASSINI, named after the original- or one of the original Jesuits. (Loren can canfirm this) will be the coincidemtal space ****** in this experiment.
At the south pole of Saturn there is a massice hurricane gioing on that looks like a gigantic whirlpool. At the center of this is what can only be described by many observers as a humongous asshole. so- figuratively speaking this project, which BTW is called Project Lucifer, as in the champion of perversion, seeks to butt fuck Saturns rear end, extending its 72 pounds of plutonium at least 25% of the way to the core. Deeper and deeper until the same effect occurs as did on Jupiter. Except this time the reaction will be so large it with reach the core and by way of chain reaction Saturn will ignite. BANG!!!!
Remember the Jesuit saying. "From Chaos Comes Order"
Now- these are the expected effects.
A new Sun- which will make Saturn appear 100 times brighter than it currently appears to us.
This new Sun is not being created to warm us- thats right - This whole plan is about making Titan habitable for them when they have finished destroying this planet and us along with it. With its diabolical symbolism that screams "I am the God of hellfire" I am Lucifer- I am the real God- not the imposter you worship, it would prove the power of Satanism has been alive and well around here for quite a while.
It is being created to melt the ice on Titan!
This group of mad scientists - the JASON GROUP - believes it would support life if it was given a heat treatment.
NASA is being forced to play this deadly game of russian roullete.
Now- the unexpected effects.
You all know that sunspots- and occasional massive increased Suns cosmic rays which can have deleterious effects on humans, like skin cancers, is a concern.
If this plan is successful, it is possible that ejecta from the ignition of Saturn, all the elements that eplode outward and expose everything to these new cosmic rays, may be too powerful for our Ozone layer to stop from striking the surface of Earth.
The first wave that will hit us will be the lighter elements. These are comparitively weak to the heavier elements.
These heavier elements are expected to reach earth approximately-
Are you beginning to understand?
The effects of this last bombardment will be- best case scenario- dramatic increase in skin cancers worldwide.
Worst case scenario- a knockout of anybody who isnt safely undergounnd. The shower of heavy particles will last for some weeks.
so good luck and lets hope it doesnt do them the added favor of reducing the earths po[ulation by half or something.

D-Day is 7-7. thats right July 7th. The date was used for a reason. It will happen right on schedule- just like they have planned it.

GOD (the real one) help us if this experiment works.


New member
Sep 24, 2007
thread of the year is that kid asking for money because his bookie was going to beat him up

pleeeeeaassse dig that one up as its not that old
Jan 17, 2007
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by nojuice9
I ain't paypal'n shit. fuck you and your orphans at betallsports.
Are Canadian posters eligible?

That Ass, Pissed me Off !
Jan 17, 2007
My Fav is this one....Funny how this Thread made it to the RR

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by PO69
Therx traded TTINCO and a moderator to be named later for Mofome!

I think that therx made a great deal. Mofome is 20x the moderator that ttinco ever could be

Quote by Uno : if mofome was frosted would you eat him?
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New member
Sep 24, 2007
<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;">Originally Posted by PO69
Therx traded TTINCO and a moderator to be named later for Mofome!

I think that therx made a great deal. Mofome is 20x the moderator that ttinco ever could be

Quote by Uno : if mofome was frosted would you eat him?

def top 5 post of the year...I laughed hard all by myself
<!-- / message -->

Self appointed RX World Champion Handicapper
Nov 20, 2001
I will get together a prize for the winner.

Voters will be me,steak,vd,nes,teddy,skinny larry,funk,pbr,world number one,and billsfan.

Post you favorite.

:grandmais If I win...which is highly possible. I will donate the prize to them nuns that were eating in that video.

what an honor to be named a voter .. i must be someone around here..

i'm only voting for a post that made me laugh so hard i almost fell out of my chair.

suggestion for 2009 . make a sticky labeled post of the year nominees . let people copy and paste their favs into that thread all year. then go back and read them and name the winner . the site should offer a decent prize. maybe have 20 people vote.
Last edited:

New member
Jun 8, 2007
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If you sat at a table at the bash with 10 rx posters-
<hr style="color: rgb(253, 222, 130); background-color: rgb(253, 222, 130);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> How many could you identify by only talking to them?
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<table id="post5584019" class="tborder" width="100%" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="thead" style="border-style: solid none solid solid; border-color: rgb(253, 222, 130) -moz-use-text-color rgb(253, 222, 130) rgb(253, 222, 130); border-width: 1px 0px 1px 1px; font-weight: normal;">
07-25-2008, 07:41 PM <!-- / status icon and date --> </td> <td class="thead" style="border-style: solid solid solid none; border-color: rgb(253, 222, 130) rgb(253, 222, 130) rgb(253, 222, 130) -moz-use-text-color; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 0px; font-weight: normal;" align="right"> #7 </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="alt2" style="border-style: none solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color rgb(253, 222, 130); border-width: 0px 1px;" width="175"> shdw01 <script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("postmenu_5584019", true); </script>
Please start Colt Brennan NOW!

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<hr style="color: rgb(253, 222, 130); background-color: rgb(253, 222, 130);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> Dante would be the guy with all the polite mannerisms.

TTinco would be the drunk guy slurring all his words.

Skins would be the guy screaming chicken nuggets the whole time (with brief pauses of "daggggerr")

Timetopay would be the white guy with a lot of black chalk on his body trying to fool everyone to thinking he is black.

NES would blow into his beer bottle like he is cleaning out an NES cartridge that doesn't play

Devilwoman would be the tranny on the table

Wilheim would be the guy walking around with a crown and scepter

BTJ would be the racist guy that keeps talking to Wil like they are high school buddies.

GD would be the naked guy waking up and just walking out of the women's restroom

TRS is the guy with his shirt buttoned one off and his nametag spelled wrong

PornoPaul would the most popular guy handing out DVDs
<!-- / message --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="alt2" style="border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color rgb(253, 222, 130) rgb(253, 222, 130); border-width: 0px 1px 1px;">
</td> <td class="alt1" style="border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color rgb(253, 222, 130) rgb(253, 222, 130) -moz-use-text-color; border-width: 0px 1px 1px 0px;" align="right"> <!-- controls --> </td></tr></tbody></table>

<table id="post5584103" class="tborder" width="100%" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="thead" style="border-style: solid none solid solid; border-color: rgb(253, 222, 130) -moz-use-text-color rgb(253, 222, 130) rgb(253, 222, 130); border-width: 1px 0px 1px 1px; font-weight: normal;">
07-25-2008, 08:15 PM <!-- / status icon and date --> </td> <td class="thead" style="border-style: solid solid solid none; border-color: rgb(253, 222, 130) rgb(253, 222, 130) rgb(253, 222, 130) -moz-use-text-color; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 0px; font-weight: normal;" align="right"> #10 </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="alt2" style="border-style: none solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color rgb(253, 222, 130); border-width: 0px 1px;" width="175"> shdw01 <script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("postmenu_5584103", true); </script>
Please start Colt Brennan NOW!

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<hr style="color: rgb(253, 222, 130); background-color: rgb(253, 222, 130);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> Betallsports would be the guy with the coat filled with watches for sale.

Iceman would be the guy on the table all by himself cause when someone sits down, they get bombarded with random questions

GeorgeJefferson would be the guy with about 5 different name tags cause he isn't sure what he wants to be called.

Uno would be the guy with croch-less pants.

punz34 would be the guy with a sign and hat asking for donations

WVU would be the guy fully equipped with brass knuckles, a bullet-proof vest, and a highly paid Escort (about $1,000/night)

Primoz would be the guy with his laptop trying to show all of us his porn collection.
<!-- / message --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="alt2" style="border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color rgb(253, 222, 130) rgb(253, 222, 130); border-width: 0px 1px 1px;">
</td> <td class="alt1" style="border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color rgb(253, 222, 130) rgb(253, 222, 130) -moz-use-text-color; border-width: 0px 1px 1px 0px;" align="right"> <!-- controls --> </td></tr></tbody></table>

Rx Senior
Dec 7, 2004
<!-- post #5579509 --><!-- open content container -->
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07-24-2008, 10:50 AM <!-- / status icon and date --></TD><TD class=thead style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 1px solid; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 1px solid" align=right>#1 </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 0px solid" width=175>WVU<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_5579509", true); </SCRIPT>

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</TD><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_5579509 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid"><!-- icon and title -->
My last thread

<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->You guys have all been played like a fiddle. I think my work is done here. I will see some of you guys at the bash.​

best wishes...:howdy:


<!-- / message -->​

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powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
lol.....shdw01 gets mucho consideration

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